Welcome To Oembimmerparts

Where the BMW Enthusiasts purchase their parts!Our mission at OEM Bimmer Parts is catering to your Bimmer and its various Bimmer replacement parts needs by providing BMW OEM parts as well as high-quality aftermarket items.
As BMW owners ourselves, we found it difficult to locate OEM or factory parts or good quality aftermarket parts at a fair price, and we noticed that lower-end products simply failed within a few months. While there are many parts suppliers online, very few, if any take the time to research the brands they sell and in many cases, these sites even try to hide the brand of their specific items. As a result of the enthusiast wanting a reliable parts source, we decided to fill the BMW repair parts gap with OEMBIMMERPARTS.COM in 2007!
We've gone to great lengths to create a website that's user friendly and simply requires that you click the tab corresponding to your car model and year, which in turn will provide you a complete list of available parts. Select one of these and you'll be shown photos and short descriptions of the parts available, each of which can be clicked for full, detailed information. Many parts have accompanying customer reviews, and nearly all are offered at nice discounts from suggested retail.
For over 17 years, OEMBIMMERPARTS.COM has been a supporter of the BMW owner & BMW DIY mechanic. Helping you repair and maintain your prized BMW or Mini.
At OEMBIMMERPARTS.COM we know that our customers are more than just car owners, they are enthusiasts. We work very hard to maintain the products and brands that are the most trusted in the industry. Remember, we are...
“Where the BMW Enthusiasts Purchase Parts!”